Mess President PTS

Created by Bill 3 years ago

When I joined the RHKP in march 1976 I met Laurence not long after arrival at the bar; the centre of all life in the RHKP I was soon to discover, and we became good friends. As Laurence was 3 intakes above me he was soon to pass out and he approached me to take over as Mess President from him when he left. I felt very privileged he had chosen me and took my ques from Laurence and enjoyed my time as Mess President. When I passed out I too went to Marine,so continued to serve with Laurence until I left the Force in 1979. Over the years we often met up at the RHKPA reunions and the old times were celebrated in the time honoured tradition of the RHKP.

I always enjoyed meeting up with laurence and shall always treasure the moments and the laughs. RIP.